My Nighttime Routine

I have been living structurally over the past few weeks, following a morning routine and an evening routine. This has given me more direction day to day and it has been something to look forward to. I have been reading a lot of self-development books and listening to podcasts that touch on topics that have to do with wellness and personal growth, and they all point to having good routines as key habit to being successful.

I’ve been on these routines for about a month and a few days now and I kid you not, I have seen positive results in my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. I also feel more focused and put together. I am not perfect as I sometimes default on some habits, but other than a few hiccups along the way, I have been sticking to my routine and practicing these habits religiously.

Before I dive into the habits I practice, I would love to say that the success of my mornings starts from the night before during my night routine. This sets me up for a smoother morning. To end the day and prepare for a good night’s rest, these are what I do;

  • I do my skincare. After I have dinner which is usually around 8 pm-9 pm (late I know), I take my plates to the kitchen and walk straight to the bathroom to begin my skincare routine. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I clean my face with a towel then follow in with a toner, serum and my face moisturizer. I put some balm on my lips, put my hair in a bonnet and change into my nightwear.
  • Schedule Tasks for tomorrow. I sit on my bed and write out what I want to achieve tomorrow. Some people do this in the morning but I have found doing it at night more favorable for me. That way, when I am going to bed, I already have a visual image of what I want the next day to be like. I list out three important tasks I need to get done by tomorrow and then I list out other tasks that I could do in-between. The first three tasks are of top priority whilst the others are of medium and low priority.
  • Journal. Next, I journal about something that’s on my mind so that I can understand it and process my emotions better. This has been very therapeutic and it has also helped me understand myself better. Somedays I do a short manifestation prompt, whatever I am feeling like. I leave the gratitude and affirmation journaling for my mourning routine.
  • Listen to Frequency or Calm music. Finally, I listen to some money manifestation frequencies or affirmation frequencies as I stretch my body letting go of the stress of the day. Yes, guys, I am back doing yoga. I know I said I stopped because I read that it is ingrained in pagan religion, but I realized that was simply cock and bull. Yoga is a form of exercise and it makes me feel so awake and relaxed unlike anything else I have ever done. As long as my heart is in the right place, I am good. I also take this time to visualize my higher self getting everything she wants.
  • Lights out. Finally, I plug in my phone and it’s time for bed. I am working on keeping away my phone earlier say about 10:30 pm each day so I can wake up earlier. As I said, I’m not perfect yet but it’s only been a month on this journey and I am conscious that I am defaulting so that makes it easier to work on being better since I am already aware of my default. After my phone is away, I lay in bed and quickly recap the day in my mind, say a quick prayer of thanks for how it went, recite Psalm 23 and drift off to sleep

That’s my night routine for now. I don’t always do everything, but most times I do and it has been working great for me. In my next article, I’ll share my morning routine and trust me, it is equally great. The night before sets the stage for a great morning routine and by extension a great day, so make sure you are winding down with a great nighttime ritual to set yourself up for an even awesome morning.

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